Friday, July 13, 2007

The Random Urine Test

I received this as an e-mail this morning and wanted to share it with you. I have seen it before but for whatever reason, it struck a nerve with me this morning (pms?, rain? who knows).

Like a lot of folks in this state I have a job. I work, they pay me.
I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit. In order to get that paycheck, I am required to pass a random urine test, with which I have no problem. What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test. Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them?? Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do on the other hand have a problem with helping someone sitting on their ass, spending the cash on drugs. Could you imagine how much money the state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check?????

About a year ago, I was in the grocery store and I was behind a couple and their two kids in the checkout line. The little girl sitting in the cart looked like she was between 18 mos and 2 years old and was wearing a t-shirt and a diaper. The diaper looked like it hadn't been changed all day. The other little girl was about 4 and had snot spread from one ear to the other and didn't look like she'd had a bath in a week. They were using their Lone Star Card (food stamps) to purchase their groceries and they were short a couple of dollars. Let me give you a run down of the items being purchased: 2-12 packs of Coke, 3 bags of Lays potato chips, 1 pkg of twizlers, a cake mix and icing, and milk. Does anyone want to take a guess on which item was put back? Yeah, you guessed it, the milk. The cashier and I just looked in awe over this. First of all, I didn't even realize you could buy that kind of crap with food stamps and secondly, can you say "the munchies"?

I am all for helping those that need help but not for helping those that won't help themselves. I agree completely that anyone that receives any kind of public assistance should have to pass a drug test. This mean the mothers that receive WIC should have to pass one too. I know that in the case of WIC it is the child that suffers the most but if they can't pass a drug test then they shouldn't be allowed to keep their kids anyway.


Melody said...

I totally agree!

Special K ~Toni said...

Right on!

Yeah- that's all I got.

Special K ~Toni said...

I could use something new to read...

Unknown said...

I'll be here, with 2 Pina coladas.

Sounds like heaven to me!


Joan said...

Amen!!! And I will join you here on the beach any old time.!

David said...

That ticks me off too. I used to work in an inner city school. The kids would throw away their free lunch and buy snacks. They all had cell phones and expensive shoes and clothes. Too bad they didn't care about their grades as much as they cared about their next date.

Did you see a few weeks ago where Australia was banning booze and porn to aborigines in Northern Australia that were on welfare. Guess where the welfare $ was going... and what they were doing to their kids....

MGM said...

I'm totally with you on the public assistance thing. Only I'd add few more requirements. But I will refrain from going further on this topic as I am sure to get all riled up instead of winding down for bed, and I am also SURE to offend at least a few people if I go off on my rant.

Shauna Loves Chocolate said...

How is it that I missed this blog move? Sorry!

jenny said...

You are SO right!! I get so darn tired of hearing people take advantage of the system when they have done nothing to contribute to it.

I was on WIC at one point when Hubby was out of work for awhile. You have to fill out a a days' worth of meals for each kid before going for an appt. The nutritionist there looked me up and down and asked me if my kids REALLY ate the vegetables and fruit and other stuff I put down. I was kind of insulted. I told her that we ate healthy food 95% of the time and her reply? "I wish there were more parents like you". Isnt that SAD?

Fireweed said...

can we just eliminate random drug testing for people that are actually getting out there and working? the government estimates that some 78% of people that use drugs are employed, yet they continue to use reverse reasoning to emphasize that drug use inteferes with ability to function in society, which the hell is it?!?!

It's just one more example of the War on the MIddle Class, the man's way of making it harder for the average joe to get and keep a job. Most of the people who fail drug tests come up positive for marijuana metabolites, which gives no indication of whether one has ever been under the influence in the workplace and has everything to do with monitoring what people do in their free time. NORML's statistics suggest that regular pot smokers actually have a higher promotion rate, lower accident and absentee rate than either cigarette smokers or nonsmokers or even light drinkers.

Drug testing does nothing to prevent intoxication on the job, as everything else but pot clears the system within days, and with alcohol, the most disruptive drug, hours. If I have a problem with my performance, discipline me, fire me if you must, but I am not a piece of livestock.